Solar energy in connection caused the dissolution of the house, the government nullified the map binding rules

Media NP, Kathmandu, November 28. Nepal, the government is preparing public building new standards. New criteria for the construction of government buildings to solar energy maps have been prepared for uninvited mandatory. The new government, commercial, institutional and public buildings, is preparing the Local Development Ministry apparel solar jodnaiparne rules. The ministry is going to make the final decision this week, according to ministry sources. Building standard is sauryapranali can essentially be readied for suggestions proposal has been sent to the Ministry of Science and Technology. Environment Ministry to familiarize formal decision soon Gopi Khanal said Secretary of Ministry of Local Development.
The first phase of building individual houses do not apply if the law according to the ministry. In order to promote the use of solar energy and to address people should suffer losedinabata Solar System's new home is going to be essential to the provision according to the ministry. After the decision in accordance with its policy of municipal and fixed solar panels compulsory residence gavisaharule garneranagarne able to take decisions. Solar system does not rule them out without a map, have the right to be given.
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