The list of the world's best 11 young cricketer Sandeep LamichaneKATHMANDU, March 4. Sandeep Nepali leg-spinner Lamichane International Cricket Council (ICC) has selected the best 11 young players are.The ICC Cricket World Cup held in Bangladesh U -1 9 on the basis of the performance in the qualifying sandipale location are made.He defeated Bangladesh in the tournament 6 WEEK 17 point zero on average, had taken 14 wickets.He Namibia wicket only 1 wicket behind him more than Fritz koitji. Sandipale Ireland before the match had a hat-trick while taking 5 wickets.Sandeep U -1 9 World Cup hat-Nepal's first and the world's fifth player. Sandeep The pradarsanapachi Nepal U -1 9 was reached the second stage of the World Cup a second time.Aisisikaanusara selected 11 players will lead sandipale cogs spin."Future Star -11 'name given to the best player in the list was included in Ireland player Rory endarsa and sandipamatra Associate Nations.11 persons in the list of the West Indies World Cup winner Sandeep and rorisahita 4, and India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh 1-1 players are ingalyanda."
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