Hot headed man heart attack risk

Hot headed man heart attack risk

Media NP, Kathmandu. Anger is called an enemy of man. If a man is not controlled anger, it is not others, is aphaimlari harm. Just think if you were to develop risaihalnuaghi banisako effect may vary depending on a person's social status. Regarding the anger of man, not only to practice a great influence health. Uddhelita of anger or too hotheaded, as any behavior damaging for our cardiac and circulatory system are shock and anger of various research investigations have shown chanayi paksaghatasamga mutual relations are given information.
Remember when himself very angry! When your heart is anger too fast, red mouth. What does that mean, then cross the physical changes when they come to the same. Your heart will move and gnashing of continuing increases in blood pressure. All these factors have become prasangaharu you increase blood pressure and cause high blood pressure, stroke is also the root cause. During cross the blood supply to the heart with oxygen rich blood to the artery samghurincha and he goes bakliera be eating sweet. And dangerous as it is likely to freeze, that can be a heart attack or stroke. So if you are angry with someone that you remember that the more detrimental to Hold.
Anger and heart attack:

To seek to hide explosive anger or anger is very healthy, it is revealed gradually calm. Even small things make a person angry or heart disease or stroke is always as risairahane person at greater risk. Anger and investigations have shown that it is directly linked with health. In 2004, the one analyzed kunthale anger and heart can lead to sudden death, and that makes unusual has been found. Weak Hearts automation equipment to bring the body of the transplant, scientists than physical stress induced an unusual way to be faster than the speed goes to that person's heart are detected. Abnormal heart rate to cause mental stress is also to explain the only reason this is the first study.
Researchers find heart rate abnormal personalities who have hope that the future will help. Plays a special role in heart disease gradually grow angry. His anger was unleashed on a person more than 75 percent of a person underneath anger pet bhamaniko coronary disease, a study of the possibility of the siege. About the relationship of anger and high blood pressure also investigations have shown.
According to the study, some other person's anger over the low level of anger vyaktilarya severe level of heart attack or chest pain than three eighth is that it is possible. Especially when provoked phutalaum something or someone that head phutaaum people have this feeling of unhappiness is more likely. In time, as well as provoke the kind of impacts due to loss-making PU ¥ can grow. In 2002, the study has been much anger, whether it be hidden or staged, it has been found that increased stress more followers attack the person. Young men in their 48 years of my life, started to carry because it is considered a special study.
Anger and blood pressure:
Outbursts of physical changes come faster heart rate and blood pressure should be proceeding. This change is temporary, but if it is long or frequent risairahane contribute to the blood pressure is high. More generally less contentious than those of a contentious anger intensified investigation that has been detected. And such a contentious man remains angry for a long time. Man ready to fight for a long time more, and increases in blood pressure.
Anger and paralysis:
The research revealed about anger and paralysis unused anger, and long-standing risabhanda viddhesa straight and peaceful way to express anger or expression is more wholesome said. Small negative attitudes affect our brain and heart have fears that other adhyayayanale dhyanakarsana. For example, one study showed that many patients do not have patience to study, karakarer and others who seek to overcome the risk of heart disease and paralysis than is found. 'Anger tyagau cool down and enjoy life and health and longevity Become prey.'
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